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Distance : Accounting the Cost of What You Eat

18 May

ca 2004

11 loaves of bread baked in with collected receipts from 2003-2004

This was made as a final project for my residency at Big Sky Mind in Cubao. This was also the reason why I studied baking on my own, starting from recipes from a 1970s Readers Digest art and craft book. The recipe I used for these loaves was based on the Italian style crusty bread, using mainly flour, water, yeast and salt, and twice having the dough rise.  I also tried making French baguettes and incorporated some of the techniques from making french baguette in  making these loaves, primarily the sprinkling of cold water on the crust midway thru baking to make the crust crustier or crispier.

The paper receipts, cut into tiny pieces, were just folded in with the dough.

I hope I can still make them, without the receipts. Just needs to practice though, again.