Tag Archives: Terrible Landscapes

Terrible Landscapes series

12 May

It all started with this series . Somehow, I was trying to milk this for all its worth, and still am now.

It was all about equating gourmet cooking with painting in the sublime, (ah that word again, sublime, that  indefinable term that puts food and art in equal footing, a sublime piece of wagyu beef, a sublime piece of painting by caspar david friedrich). these are also my attempts at undermining food styling which I’ve been wanting earn a living for as it pays well.

This was the same series that I’ve cashed in on my participation at the 2008 Singapore Biennale.

This is my page for that show

Well, if the other bloggers have their daily bento boxes to flaunt, I have these to sell my soul for.

So, enjoy and relish these “disasters” – (btw, these compositions were based on news clippings of actual disasters and accidents.)

Ingredients : oatmeal, parsley, dyed white bread, dyed crackers, roux, dried oregano, cracked black pepper, ground black pepper, paprika

Ingredients : kneaded and dyed yeastless dough, licorice sticks, graham crackers, parsley, raw flour, chocolate pretzels, dried oregano flakes

Ingredients : parsley, yeastless dyed dough, cracked black pepper, whole black pepper corns, ground black pepper, crushed peanut brittle, tarragon, paprika, bus and people are scale model sets bought from Deovir

Ingredients : catsup, tomato sauce, tomato paste, parsley, dried oregano and thyme, ground black pepper, crackers, hard gummy candies, sour cream, horseradish sauce

Ingredients : black gelatin, toasted white bread, peanut brittle, parsley, scale model car bought from Deovir art and architectural supplies storeIngredients : dyed yeastless dough, raw rice noodles, parsley, black and white chocolate, clear unflavored gelatin, graham crackers, raw flour, same scale model car

Ingredients : mungo bean stew, cream of mushroom mix, crackers, soggy white bread dyed green, diluted roux, gelatin, parlsey, scale model houses from Deovir

chocolate cake, hardened chocolate, nuts, raw flour, ube cake crumbles

gelatin, parsley, burnt pandesal, fermented shrimp sauce, horseradish sauce, garlic barbeque sauce, hickory barbeque sauce, unrecognizable mix of sauces from rotting left-over food in the fridge

Ingredients : gelatin, crackers, ground black pepper, paprika, curry powder, cracker crumbles, scale model man from Deovir